Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thankful Sunday

Looking at the bouquet of tulips this morning made me think about my family and how thankful I am for being blessed with them.
I'm also thankful for all the new friends I have connected with through the world of blogging.

The post I did earlier this week about the painted churches in my area was so well received, I've decided to continue to explore, photograph and post about some of the others. Most are located in a 20 miles area close to the farm.

Yesterday, I remembered another interesting church. The drive was a short distance.

               The church is only 14' 3" x 18' 1". Apparently, a mass is still held here once a month.

It was almost noon when I took this photo. There was not a cloud in the sky with a crisp temperature of 56 degrees.

Let's take a closer look at the details on this small church, originally built in the late 1880's. The story is told that by 1915 much of the congregation had moved away so the building was dismantled to build a school in a nearby town. It has been said, that it was rebuilt with the left over lumber in 1915.

Take a look through one side window.....

If you click here, you can read more about the painting that is hanging behind the altar.

There will be no chance to nod off to sleep with these rustic backless pews.

      The ceiling has been left in its' natural state with the walls painted a soft shade of green. 

Meggie Mac

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