Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Beauty....The Day After

In reality....the yellow dandelion bloom dries out for a day or two before the spent flower opens into the familiar, white, globular seed head.

Each seed has a tiny parachute, to spread easily in the wind.

The dandelion is well-adapted to a modern world. They now grow virtually worldwide.

From reading some of your blogs, I know you love the dandelion for it's edible greens. But, for most gardners, they are a pesty weed that continues to be a problem.

Petunias growing in the walkways as volunteers
I, for one, am a gardner that tries to balance nature. I love the wild of the countryside. I also love my landscape type flower gardens. So, I try to strike a balance with nature, leaving the wild-side on the outer perimeter of my lawn.

Volunteer Petunias after growing a few weeks...where is the walkway?
This means I'm constantly doing battle with the weeds, or in this case, enjoying the volunteers I allow to grow in the walkways........

Meggie Mac
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