Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Daylily Profusion

The beauty in daylilies comes from the endless variety of colors and also the ease in growing this magnificent flower. Check out my favorite catalog for ordering daylilies. You won't be disappointed in the photos and wonderful information on growing.

It's hard to believe that anything so beautiful, only last for one day. As the day gets brighter, the new lily bloom begins to open. By the end of day, the life of this particular flower is over.

But the good news is how prolific they are in growing flowers. As you can see in this photo, they have started blooming before I've had time to mulch for the season.

This particular variety is a bright tangerine color, with petals that curl back.

Many of the pink, reds and purples will be blooming later in May......

Happy Gardening
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