Wednesday, June 13, 2012

After the Storm

This is the last photo I took yesterday as a stormed rolled in from the North. As you can see, my security light, on one of the out buildings, thought it was night and turned on automatically.

The good news is we got some much needed rain, although it was a hard driving rain.

Smoky, in his nonchalant way, is helping me check for any damage.

Pot plants took the biggest hit with the strong winds.....

                                           But righted, everything seems to be OK.

Lawn chairs were overturned.

I guess the most damage was to the tender growth on the pecan trees. It means there will be less mature pecans at the end of the season.

Clean-up is scheduled for later today before the temperatures soar back into the 90's. This is a small price to pay for the much needed rain....

Meggie Mac
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