There is no shortage of things to write about as I continue to travel the
Back Roads on the Prairie.
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Each year the Giant Reed, sometimes called Wild Cane, begins to bloom in August and September. The tall perennial grass will grow to 20 feet tall.
The two foot long, plume like panicles are quite showy, swaying back and forth with the prairie winds.
I try not to take anything for granted in this life that I live on the prairie, including something so common as the roadside plant life. It seems to come back each year so effortlessly.
We all have things around us that seem to be just there. Life has changed drastically for me in the last few months, but particularly the last few weeks.
As you know from reading my blog, the sale of the farm has been impending for some time. You may also know that I lost
my mother only a few weeks ago.
This week, the father of my children has also died. My family is in mourning, as am I. Within just a few short weeks, the two people who most influenced the first 42 years of my life are gone.
And in all that sadness, the final papers on the farm were signed yesterday....the passing of the keys.
This Saturday will be the First Day, of Chapter Two, in the life of Meggie on the Prairie.
Life is Good......and God continues to bless me.
Meggie Mac