Tuesday, January 29, 2013

A Simple Dress....

Oh no....it is much more.

Have you heard of Dress A Girl Around the World ?

I became acquainted with this program through following the blog, Sew Delightful. I hope you will click on both links...it will open your eyes to a wonderful idea of helping girls around the world.

Several months ago, I knew it was something I wanted to pursue. But, the past six months have been very difficult with the loss of my mother, my children's father, the selling of my beloved farm, and ultimately moving to Das Kleine Haus.

My sewing room is finally set up, and, now it is time to get serious about all the waiting sewing projects.

At this point, the dresses do not have a destination. My daughter is looking towards Guatemala as a good place for them to go. The need is so great and so is the poverty.

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For now, I have a plan on what I would like for them to look like. I love the idea of using gingham check fabric as the pockets and ruffle. Gingham makes me think of the country. It also says "little girl" and "love".

For those of you who sew, I hope this post inspires you to join in by sewing a dress for a girl who may never know another "new" dress in her lifetime.....

Meggie Mac

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Short Drive to a Texas Vineyard

This is a post I had planned to write before Christmas. With all the holiday plans of family visits, I simply ran out of time to post.

The winery is an example of true entrepreneurship. The owner had an idea and pursued that dream of growing her own grapes and making wine.

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I thought I might show you what a Texas vineyard looks like during the winter months, with plans to return as the seasons change.

In talking with the owner, she let me know it is not as glamorous as one might think. It is hard work...and, she and her husband do most of the work.

The first big job of the season will be to prune the vines just before spring. Timing is everything. Isn't that the same in our own spring gardens...a late frost can take us by surprise!

The vineyard's Wine Tasting Room, where I bought several bottles of port to give as Christmas gifts.

Last years' grapes I grew at The Farm
I hope you will come back and visit with me, when the grape vines are in bloom....

Meggie Mac

Monday, January 21, 2013

Sunday, January 20, 2013

No, I'm Not on Vacation in Florida

Can you believe while out for a drive, to a nearby town, I came across an 18 foot tree loaded with large round yellow fruit?

Looking at the tree, from inside my truck, I thought they might be golden apples.

I had just rolled a little past the house, when I noticed someone sitting on the front porch.

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When I called out to her, she replied, "They're grapefruit...do you want some?"

Now, I wished I had photographed her, using a long pole gadget, that seemed to grab the grapefruit off the tree.

She told me it was a very old tree, planted by the previous owner. I had no idea a tropical tree could grow this tall in my part of Texas.

After all, we can have some very harsh winters with temperatures often below freezing.

I've since found a recipe for Grapefruit Marmalade. I plan to make some next week end from my fresh grapefruit....

Meggie Mac

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday's Fences

Texas Western Rugged...is what I think of when I look at this fence. It reminds me of  denim jeans, boots, spurs, and cowboy/cowgirl western hats!

I can just imagine a corral with wild mustang horses....

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Or maybe, some of the family's cattle penned up, waiting to be branded.

Meggie Mac

Joining in with Jan and Jer's Friday Fences.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Monday's Country Back Roads

Looking for January's beauty is what I was thinking of today as I headed out on the back roads.

My small part of Texas has an average of 229 days per year of sunshine or partial sunshine. Today was one of the partial sunshine days.

Even with the sun shining, the temperatures are in the low 30's at night.

There are still waves of dried prairie grass to admire....

protected by a sign.

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Standing high on The Bluff, overlooking the river below....feeling the connection I have with this land.

If you also love your part of the world, I'm sure you understand when I say, "I feel a tightness in my throat as I look out at this view".

Meggie Mac

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Look What's Under the Eaves

I've been thinking about writing this post for several weeks, while collecting photos. These small windows can truly bring out the character of a house.

The above home is one of my favorites. Great care was taken by the addition of the fret-work above the fan style window. Doesn't the window style remind you of half of a flower?

Creativity and skill were involved in cutting the glass shapes to make the little attic treasure.

A very skillful carpenter brought to life the framework of the very simple rectangular windows. It reminds me of a gingerbread house.

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Look how the little window is accented by the multi-colored brick. Or is it the other way around....the brick is accented by the diamond shaped glass?

A simple oval is surrounded by fish-scale shingles.

The weather vane, perched directly above a beautiful fan shaped window, gives a whimsical look to the roof line.

Simple...yet, it shows interest in the dividing of the window panes.

No details were forgotten when designing this house....

The same house, looking at it from the front side.

I wonder how difficult it was to nail the fish-scale shingles to the roof of the turret. It is truly a window, in the attic, fit for a story book princess.....

Meggie Mac

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Show and Tell Thursday

This post was inspired by questions from my dear friend, Elaine @ Pear Tree Log. She was curious about the little pitcher I had shown in my post, "Yes, I'm Still Here".

The Made in Japan, vintage clay pitcher was a surprise treasure, found inside an unopened box I purchased at an estate sale.

When I opened the box, I found everything was wrapped in newspaper dated 1935. Whatever the reason was for storing these items, I can only imagine. I'm just glad they were not willing to part with them.

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This covered container was another treasure found nestled in the old papers.

When you replace the top, you can feel and hear how fragile each piece is. It would not take much for the clay to break into little pieces.

Being tucked away in a dark box is probably why the colors have remained so vibrant...lucky me !

Meggie Mac

Monday, January 7, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Friday's Fences

The wide, untrimmed planks, for the fence, probably were once trees growing on this prairie land.

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Looking so Texas with big blue skies and cattle grazing behind the fence.

Unique and so rustic looking...don't you agree?

Meggie Mac

I'm joining in with Jan n' Jer's Friday Fences.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Yes, I'm Still Here.....

The blog has been silent for a couple of weeks.

Preparing for our Christmas celebration and the arrival of out-of-state family, left me with little time to do a post.
Evening photo of Christmas decorated mantel.
Christmas was a wonderful time spent with family and friends. Then, two days later, I came down with influenza that sent me to bed for several days.

View from the Book Room
The candles, in the windows of my home, will burn until Epiphany.....

Meggie Mac
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