Wednesday, May 1, 2013
So This is the Porch...
Trying to decide how to arrange the furniture, on the front wrap-around porch, has not been as easy as I first thought it might be. I want to keep it looking uncluttered, but at the same time, inviting. The door, at the end of the porch goes directly into the dining room. There is a matching door at the front of the house.
Winds, out of the south, sometimes blow the plants off the porch. Of course, this makes for a much cooler space when the temperatures soar to 100 plus, in the summer.
There are five large white columns that dominate the look. It's very obvious they have been repaired over the last 130 years. I know I must keep vigil for any future repairs. They would be very expensive to replace.
I have chosen some new black rockers to go with the white wicker I brought from the farmhouse.
So far, I am using ferns to give the porch a soft, vintage look.
This is a flea market find, that works well beside the front door.
It is a good place to add some color with yellow petunias and maroon verbenas.
Just to the other side of the front door, I have placed another black rocker. To give the open end of the porch a more private look, I have added some lattice work.
Eventually, the jasmine growing below, will trail on it. The summer blooms of the sweet jasmine, will be a nice fragrance for the porch.
At the back door, of my home, is a modern built deck. I am still dreaming of ideas of how to use the deck. As you can see, it was raining the day I photographed both spaces.
There have been multiple delays in finishing the small lean-to greenhouse attached to The Studio. If you look closely, you can see I am using some re-cycled window screens....from the farmhouse.
I'm so happy to see the rain. We have been in drought conditions for quite some time.
This is just a little update on Das Kleine Haus, as things slowly move into a proper place.
Meggie Mac
das kleine haus,
meg's studio,