Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday's Country Back Roads

by: Joyce Kilmer (1886-1918)
      THINK that I shall never see
      A poem lovely as a tree.
      A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
      Against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
      A tree that looks at God all day,
      And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
      A tree that may in Summer wear
      A nest of robins in her hair;
      Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
      Who intimately lives with rain.
      Poems are made by fools like me,
      But only God can make a tree.
A quote from Texas A & M Forest Service
Tree Description:
"A large, stately tree, commonly to 50 feet tall with a short, stout trunk of 4 feet or more in diameter, dividing into several large, twisting limbs that form a low, dense crown that can spread more than 100 feet, the limbs often touching the ground in open-grown settings."

Please click HERE to read how proud we can be of our Texas Live Oaks. I have read they can live 200 or more years....

Meggie Mac


  1. Beautiful words...beautiful tree! Heidi

    1. It is one of my favorite seems so perfect for this tree!

  2. I've always loved that poem since I love trees. The oak is a beautiful tree. We have a very large one on our Back 6 that I love. There was another one just like it that came down in a very bad storm one summer. We had gone to the basement and were looking out the window when we saw it fall! It turned out that the inside was hollow. But, it was quite a sight to see a mighty oak that had lived for years and years toppling over during a storm. I'll never forget that and appreciate the one we have all the more.

    1. Thanks Cheryl for sharing your story....I see this one all the time, out in the middle of a pasture.

  3. I fell in love with Live Oaks when we lived in California--so beautiful and this one is surely what Joyce Kilmer was looking at when she wrote the poem! Thank you for sharing and reminding me how lucky we are to have such glorious trees, XOXO

    1. I have loved this poem since high school. Do you know when he was deployed to Europe during WWI, he was considered the leading Roman Catholic poet and lecturer of his generation? He was killed by a sniper's bullet at the Second Battle of the Marne in 1918.

    2. Thanks for correcting the gender...I always forget that:-D

  4. You've just gotta love trees and Oaks are very special! x

  5. Wow! What an awesome tree! You should photograph that later without the leaves, too.

  6. I absolutely love Live Oak trees, wish we had them in Iowa, so impressive!!!

  7. We have live oaks in Louisiana, but that is a mighty impressive tree. Just about perfect I would say.


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