
Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Thursday Show and Tell with Goofus Glass

The seven point star magnifier and paperweight has been part of my writing desk for many years. As so often when I write a post, I learn much more about the subject, while writing.
So, today I learned this is called Goofus Glass, produced in the US during the early 1900's.
Much to my surprise, my dining table floral bouquet is reflected in the paperweight.

Goofus Glass is not a type of glass, but named as such because of the cold, unfired paint used on each piece. They were usually given as a premium for buying things or as prizes at fairs.
Do you have any Goofus Glass?
 A heptagram, septagram or septeram is a seven-pointed star drawn with
seven straight strokes.
According to Wikipedia, "The heptagram was used in Christianity to symbolize the seven days of creation and became a traditional symbol for warding off evil".
Click HERE to read more about seven point stars.
Beside the fact that it is an interesting piece, it really does work as a magnifier.
Meggie Mac