Sunday, April 20, 2014

St Stanislaus Kostka Church in Texas with Polish History

The history surrounding St Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church begins in 1866 with the arrival of the first Polish immigrants.
The early settlers referred to the community as "Little Rome of Texas".
Quoting from the church history: "It has always seemed providential to its parishioners that the site of St Stanislaus Kostka Catholic Church is built upon seven hills, the same number of hills upon which ancient Rome, the site of the Holy See, is built".
120 loads of crushed granite rocks, for the foundation, was donated by Grimes County Judge Thomas Buffington, whose father had brought the first Polish family to Grimes County.
The Romanesque-style church was completed in 1917, replacing a wooden structure. It was the first brick catholic edifice in Grimes County, Texas, built at a cost of $40,000.
The dedication sermon was given in Polish. Over 1,500 people were in attendance.
Today, the stained glass windows alone, are valued over $208,000.
In 2008, 325 families remain members, residing in several surrounding communities.
Wishing you, my dear readers, a Joyous Easter...
Meggie Mac
Linking today with InSPIREd Sunday.
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