I must admit while visiting Portree, the main town on Skye, not enough care was taken when photographing the Portree Parish Church.
The doors are open during the summer months. My daughter and I were traveling Scotland in
St Columba and St Taraglen are depicted in stained glass windows. If you will click HERE, it will link you to Undiscovered Scotland. This site gives you beautiful photos of the interior, especially the stained glass windows.
It sits higher than the walkways and is surrounded with a decorative iron fence.
Here is a quote from Scotland's Churches Trust:
"St Columba brought Christianity to Skye and the ruins of earlier churches are to be seen in and around Portree. The present building was built as a Free Church in 1854, became the United Free Church in 1900 and the Church of Scotland in 1929"
I did say it was October....it was glorious weather that day. In fact, our entire trip was blessed with fair weather.
Meggie Mac

Linking today with inspired Sunday. Click HERE to view other churches.