November has arrived bringing some cooler weather. But in my part of Texas, Autumn still does the occasional dance with the lingering warm days of summer.
Once the calendar indicates Autumn has arrived, Texas usually has a few days where the temperatures take a dip.
Today it truly feels like Autumn is here.
I have adorned all the outside doorways with the happy color of pumpkins.
The sign, barely visible, says, "Every Garden Tells a Story".
My dear readers,
do you agree with this saying?
When looking at my garden, you know which colors I favor. My style is casual, with flowers spilling over the walkways.
The older cottage, I recently purchased, had no walkways, flowers or shrubs. Even with more stones to be set, the winding pathway to the front entrance is beginning to take shape.
My very own stone wall, waiting for shrubs to be planted.
As I had hoped, the flowers of the back garden are now draping over the retaining wall. You can read the story of the retaining wall ...HERE.
It pleases me to know the few flowers, I managed to plant in this "first year garden",
are thriving.....
And the rushing water, off the hill, has now been tamed....
Meggie Mac