
Friday, April 24, 2015

A Splash of Red in a Field of Yellow.... on Friday Fences

Enjoy with me, the spring wildflowers on the Prairie.
Meggie Mac

Click HERE to check out fences from around the world.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

The Sandwich Clue for Thursday Show and Tell

As with so many pieces I have collected over the years, I must work at finding a good story to tell you.
Although I've had this beautiful hand-painted tray for many years, it wasn't until last week that I tried to find some answers on it's origin.
The whiteware, stamped "UNO Favorite Bavaria", was produced by the well known C. Hutschenreuther Company in Germany.
It took several days before I found the most interesting story about  the red stamp Sandwich.
A mother, already well-known for her portrait paintings, and her two daughters, produced hand-painted china in the early 1900's, using the imported whiteware.
Because of a long illness her son suffered, Mrs. M.H. Sandwich and her children, left  
their native Georgia to a dryer climate in Texas.
It's in Corsicana, Texas, where Mrs. Sandwich imported crates of Bavarian China, to be hand-decorated, using her memories and love of her native South. 
It is said, that during those years, thousands of pieces were produced.
A family cottage industry ....and I have one small piece of it.
Meggie Mac

Monday, April 20, 2015

Peaceful Setting for Monday's Country Backroads

A footbridge....

and, a slow moving stream.

It's the beginning of another week.

Time to explore the other side of the bridge...
Meggie Mac

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Down in the Valley with InSPIREd Sunday

The Old Country Church
lyrics by JD Sumner
" Oh I'd like to go back
To that old country church
To hear the songs of praise
How the people would sing
It would make the rafters ring
At that old, that old country church"
Meggie Mac
Click HERE to see churches from around the world.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone on Friday Fences

How about a fence photo from November 2013, when my daughter and I went to Scotland....
Here we are waiting for the boat to arrive, that will take us to Urquhart Castle.

The Jacobite Warrior

I was hoping the motion on the water would not spoil the day.
The thought of arriving at Urquhart Castle, via boat, was more than I could imagine.

Click on Photo

Pinch me....I'm sailing across the legendary Loch Ness, looking for the mystical monster.
Much to our surprise, a rainbow appeared over the water.

Stepping out of your comfort zone is where the magic begins....
Meggie Mac

Linking today with The Run Around Ranch
Click HERE  to view other fences from around the world.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Elegance in Bloom...

Do you not agree there is an elegance about the Calla Lily? I often see them in brides bouquets.

It's how one might describe the "little black dress" or a beautiful china cup and saucer. 

And like so many other tuberous plants, it faithfully blooms each year, with little to no help from me...
Meggie Mac

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Reminder of Easter for InSPIREd Sunday

While driving through a small Texas town last week end, I spotted the flower covered cross.
I'm sorry to say the doors were locked.
Even from the outside, one can see how beautiful the windows are.
It wasn't until I edited the photos, did I see the bird at the right of the steeple.
The church is a relatively new structure, dating 1950.

Click HERE to listen to
Casting Crowns
"Come to the Well"
Meggie Mac
Click HERE to view other churches

Friday, April 10, 2015

Up Close ....A Split Rail on Friday's Fences

Meggie Mac
Linking today with:
Click HERE to see fences from around the world.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hand-turned Wood Bowl for Thursday Show and Tell

For all my years of collecting, this is the only wooden bowl I have found marked "Occupied Japan". Following the end of World War II in 1945 and until 1952, imported items from Japan into the US had to be marked "occupied".
It is rather obvious it is hand made, being slightly higher on one side.
Considering the age of the bowl, I am very surprised the underside still has a semi-gloss finish on it. The logo stamp is also in good condition.
I consider this simple bowl a real treasure, to display in my home.
Meggie Mac

Monday, April 6, 2015

Part of a Mystery is Solved on Monday's Country Backroads....

Having a blog has heightened my awareness and nudged me to document more of the world around me.
For some time now, I've passed this spot, on the prairie country road, imagining what it might have been in an earlier life.

Would you like to take a wild guess as to what this once was?

This shot gives you a more accurate idea of how far away, from the main road, it actually is.

Standing at the bottom of the hill, it is not visible above the rail fence.
Not having my boots on today, there was no way I would be tramping my way through the tall grass. I did not want to tangle with a snake on this fine Spring day. 
So this is what I have found out since taking the photos....
It is possibly the only mid 1850's early family cemetery, in the region, featuring a mausoleum.
Quite by chance, I came across a written article and photo showing the name of the ruins. That piece of information gave me a name to search on the Internet.
If you would like to see a photo of it, before it came to be ruins, click HERE
Now I'm wondering what happened to those who were placed in the mausoleum before the walls came tumbling down...
Meggie Mac

Saturday, April 4, 2015

One More Easter Basket To Deliver......

Dear Readers, you may think I am silly..... I still make Easter baskets for my adult children.
I get a laugh or two, but I think they have come to expect them.
So, this past week, I've been busy sewing carrots for the bunnies and baskets.
Aren't they darling?
Have a Happy and Blessed Easter with family and friends.
Meggie Mac

Friday, April 3, 2015

Green and Loving It.... on Friday's Fences

One of my favorite fence lines, while traveling the country roads of the Prairie, is this green painted rail fence.
I might also refer to the fence color as Irish Green, because of the very obvious Irish surname on the ranch gate. The words "Lucky" and "Shamrock" are also included.
With Spring in full bloom, it is easy to find beautiful fence lines dotted with wildflowers.
Meggie Mac
Joining with Good HERE to see other interesting fence photos.