In packing up of my humble library of 32 cartons of books, I came across a book I had purchased when I first moved to the country, almost 20 years ago.
The paper bound book, "Moving to the Country Once and For All", by Lisa Rogak, struck me as funny. After all, that is what I am in the middle of doing.
So, I have kept the book by my side these last few weeks to keep some humor close by,
especially when the days become too long.
totally unstaged |
So, here I am again with stacks and stacks of containers lining all the walls of my new "old" house.
The book cartons are three high, lining the dining room area. I see in the photo, my container of extension chords (much needed item in an old house).
Too worn out to look for the bathroom, I improvised using two pillowcases, with clips I found in my office supplies. And yes, that is a filing cabinet in the bathroom. I did say these photos are not "staged".
I managed, early in the day, to make up my bed with sheets and coverlet.
Breakfast the following morning....Cheerios, banana, green tea and two vitamins.
So, I will leave you, my dear readers, with some humor from my "moving to the country" book.
"Remember, you will never, never, never be considered a native."
"When driving in the country, use only one hand so you might wave to all you pass on the road".
"Listen and Learn....never say, this is how I did it in the city".
"And, last but not least, remember all the reasons you moved to the country"
Meggie Mac