
Friday, October 30, 2015

Barn Weathered with Time for Friday Fences

Friday has rolled around again...
and, I'm sharing another photo story of a fence and a barn.
I can't help but wonder about all the details I see,
 "How did the gate get so bent?"
click on photo
Same barn....opposite side.
Looking at the fence,
it's obvious they used whatever was at hand.
Just as it is with our own life,
this weathered barn,
 has it's own unique story to tell.
Meggie Mac
Linking today with Tom, The Backroads Traveller.
The Barn Collective
Click HERE 
to view other barns from around the world.
You won't be disappointed...Tom has a very interesting photo blog.
Also, linking with Teresa of the Run a Round Ranch.
Click HERE
See what others are posting about fences.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Strong Winds and Rain for Monday's Country Back Roads

It always amazes me....
 that no matter how often I travel some of the same roads,
I still find something interesting to photograph..
Sunday's winds were quite strong.
 I emptied my rain gauge twice, recording over 10 inches of rain.
After two days of continuous rain,
 I was able to venture out late, on Sunday afternoon.
Some how......
these beautiful wildflowers withstood the weather.
Have a Happy Week
Meggie Mac

Saturday, October 24, 2015

There is Rain on the Prairie

"Dancing in the rain
I'm happy again
I'm singing and dancing in the rain
I'm dancing and singing in the rain"
by Gene Kelly 
Well, I'm not exactly dancing....
I would say I'm
very happy.
I've just written my first post, on my new blog.
Click HERE  to read all about it.
I hope you, my dear readers,
will enjoy my renovation project.
Meggie Mac 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Dreaming of What Could Be...for Friday Fences

Wouldn't it be great fun to climb this fence
 with a picnic basket
 and follow the grass to the pond ?
Such an idyllic spot for
Peace and Pondering. 
Meggie Mac
Joining this Friday, with Theresa, at Run Around Ranch
Click HERE
to view other fences from around the world.

Monday, October 12, 2015

A Mixture of Red Paint and Rust...for Monday's Country Back Roads

Earlier today,
while traveling the country back roads,
 I spotted another red barn.
As you can see from the dry grass,
 our prairie lands are in need of water.
The temperatures continue to be in the 90's.
I'm looking for Autumn.
Where are you?
Meggie Mac
Linking today with The Barn Collective
Thanks, Tom for hosting.
Click HERE 
to view other barns from around the world.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Finding Unusual on the Prairie....for Friday Fences

Two unique fences coming together.
They do make for an interesting photo shot !
Meggie Mac
Posting too late in the day
 to link with
Theresa at The Run Around Ranch.
If you will click HERE 
you can view other fences from around the world.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Cooler Temperatures for a Drive on Monday's Country Back Roads

There are no shortages of red barns on the prairie.
As nice as this one is, I still can't help but wonder where are the windows...
Looking closer, I see it is open on the side, near the bottom.

Yellow daisy-like wildflowers
 have come alive in September and October.
Look at those ears....
And, so very photogenic !
Happy Monday
Meggie Mac
Linking with Tom, The Backroads Traveller
on The Barn Collective
Click HERE
to view barns from around the world.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Beautiful Church in Small Town Texas... for InSPIREd Sunday

Yesterday, while traveling to the nearest building supply store, I had some extra time to photograph a church that I pass every time I take this road. 
I would have to say...
 it has the most unusual bell tower, in the area.
This gives you a better perspective of it's size and how it is mounted in the ground.

I've tweaked the photo by taking out all the color,
 except for the bell.
Click on the photo for a better look.

The church has a very interesting history...that began in 1900.
A quote from the church history page....
" German and Czech pioneers, many of whom were first generation Americans, longed to have a place of worship for their families wherein they could worship as they desired." 
If you are interested in reading more,
Click HERE  

Even though the window has a reflection from the double glass,
 you can still see the beautiful shapes
 and color blue in the design.
The church truly has some unique elements,
like this deep-set alcove in the upper part of the sanctuary.
Meggie Mac
Click HERE
To view other churches from around the world.

Friday, October 2, 2015

One of My Favorite Spots....for Friday Fences

If you are looking for some quiet time...
I suggest a visit to The Bluff
Standing in the shade of the trees,
 the over-look below is spectacular.
Do you see the Colorado River below?
There is no admission charge to this
beautiful Texas State Park. of my favorite words.
Meggie Mac
Joining with Theresa at The Run Around Ranch
Click HERE
to view other fences from around the world