
Friday, December 18, 2015

Just Beyond the Gate for Friday Fences...

Magical Getaway....
Just follow the pathway..
Meggie Mac
Linking with Theresa and The Run Around Ranch
Click HERE 
to view other fences from around the world.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

InSPIREd Sunday.....Taking a Pause for Third Sunday in Advent

Today the pink (sometimes Rose) candle, representing Joy, is lit.
Click on photo to view larger
Advent is the time for preparation...
A time to pause and remember
the true meaning of Christmas.
Meggie Mac
Join us in our annual tradition!
Click HERE
 to view others who are Pausing for Advent
Click HERE
to view other blogs linking with InSPIREd Sunday.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Weathered Cattle Chute for Friday Fences...

I get very excited when I find something like this...
looking a little tired,
 but still a very usable cattle chute.
Maybe a bunkhouse or just an overnight cabin...
a place for ranch hands to stay,
while waiting for the cattle truck to arrive.
Would you not agree...
a wonderful place to take photographs.
Meggie Mac
Linking with Theresa at
Run Around Ranch.
Click HERE
to view fence stories from around the world.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Celebrating the Second Week of Advent for InSPIREd Sunday

The Candle of Love, the second candle in our Advent Wreath, is lite today.
German Lutherans, in the 16th century, originated the concept of the Advent Wreath.
However, it was three centuries later, when the modern wreath took shape.
Meggie Mac
Click HERE
to view churches, synagogues
and other religious buildings from around the world.
Join us in our annual tradition!
Also linking Tracing Rainbows for Advent
Click HERE
to view other blogs joining in "A Pause in Advent".
There is a kitchen update on my Bungalow Living with Meggie
Click HERE
 to read the latest post.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Main Street, Small Town Texas for Friday Fences

Tonight is the big Christmas Celebration for this small Texas town.
By the time the local shops close for the day,
 the main street will be lined with Arts and Craft vendors,
 delicacies to try and plenty of wassail to drink.
Just beyond the fence, lies a very busy train track,
 that runs the entire length of main street.
I'll be back tonight...
 to join in the celebration!
Meggie Mac
Joining today with Theresa at the Run a Round Ranch
Click HERE
 to view other fences from around the world.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

A New Family Tradition with Granddaughter...

The past week has been a whirlwind of family,
passing through the doors
of The Bungalow.
It's results have put the 2015 Thanksgiving Celebration at the top of the list,
 of my all-time favorites.
There is such joy in having all of your adult children home, at the same time.
My youngest granddaughter is adopted from Guatemala, as is her brother.
She can be described as a "firecracker" bubbly and full of energy....
and, eager to be in the kitchen.
It was decided that she and I would bake cookies together.
 Here are the results of what I hope will be a new tradition, in our family.
Wanting to do something a little different, I decided we would give a cookie press a try.
I purchased mine through Amazon for only $10.00.
Have you ever used one?
The tool reminds me of a caulking gun...
something I'm very familiar with, using it with my old house renovations.
 The cookie recipe for Spritz Cookies, is a very simple recipe.
Click HERE for the recipe and decorating ideas.
It is much like making a pie crust.
The cookie press, made by Wilton, came with 14 different templates.
What I like about the grip handle press is...
 I could steady the press,
while my granddaughter's tiny hands gripped the handle,
 to punch out the cookies.
In less than 8 minutes of baking,
we had the first batch of seven dozen cookies.
These are perfect cookies, for traveling as Christmas gifts.
Rich in butter...
they literally melt in your mouth.
I must admit...
the cookie press excited me as much as
my granddaughter baking in
The Bungalow Kitchen.
Meggie Mac