Friday, November 11, 2016

Remembering The Boys of Praha, Texas....for Veteran's Day

In a space of 1 year and 9 days, during World War II,
 Praha, Texas, a small community of 100,
lost most of its young men.
Nine young men, listed on this monument,
were never to return home to live out a full life.
With their deaths,
a generation of young men were lost. 
All but Pvt Eddie Sbrusch, who was lost at sea,
were brought back home,
 to rest here.....
Meggie Mac
A special note:
Every year there is a wonderful Veteran's Day Remembrance
held in Praha Texas.
It is very special,
including a fly-over of vintage aircraft
 with a flower drop over the cemetery.
one of my older posts.
Also joining with Theresa at Run Around Ranch
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to view fence photos from around the world.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Old versus New....for Friday Fences

A "must check-back" next year....
after a long hot summer
in Texas....
to see if the new fence
 grays to match the old cedar post.
Meggie Mac
Linking with Theresa at Run Around Ranch.
Click HERE
to view other fences from around the world.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Perfect....on Monday's Country Back Roads

Nothing like heavy morning fog on the prairie, to create a
 Spookish Tree
Meggie Mac

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Restored Church Becomes Library... for InSPIRED Sunday

The is a love story....
 of how one small community
 turned an abandoned church building, into a library.
It was just by chance that I came across the building,
on one of my drives to a neighboring town.
The community boasts a population of 90.
My dear readers, please take time to click HERE
and view the gallery of wonderful photos,
 of how this church was cut apart
 and moved.
It is a beautiful setting with a lovely butterfly garden.
Unfortunately, I was passing through town when the library was closed.
I will definitely plan another trip....library hours are
afternoons only.
Meggie Mac
Click HERE 
to view other churches, synagogues,
 and other religious buildings,
  from around the world.

Monday, October 10, 2016

A Show of Patriotism .....for Monday's Country Backroads

"O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave."
Lines from The Star-Spangled Banner
written by
Francis Scott Key
Recently I have received several patriotic books, to add to my home library.
Here is the book that works so well with my today's post.
Star-Spangled Story
Jane Hampton Cook
200 years of the
National Anthem.
Jane is not only an author, wife, and mother, but also a presidential historian.
Receiving her book has led me to reading her blog.
In her October 8th, 2016 post, Jane reveals she is about to undergo neurosurgery
 on the 14th of October.
If you would like to read more about this very interesting woman,
Click HERE
The link will take you to her blog.
Meggie Mac

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Farmer's Faith Declared in a Hay Field....for InSPIREd Sunday

Usually I post a photo of four walls and a roof top
...a place of worship.
I've had this photo for awhile,
occasionally pondering whether or not to post it.
The faith and commitment, of this family, reminds me of a song
 we sang in vacation bible many years ago.
"This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine
This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine
Hide it under a bushel, no!
I'm going to let it shine"
Meggie Mac
Click HERE
to view photos from around the world of churches,
 synagogues, and other religious buildings.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Nothing Fancy Here....for Friday Fences

 and Totally Country...
Meggie Mac
Joining with Theresa at
Run Around Ranch.
Click HERE 
to view other fences from around the world.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Good Luck Rooster of Portugal..... for a Thursday Show and Tell

Recently my youngest daughter, returning from a holiday in Portugal,
 gifted me with two beautiful ceramic items.
It's always fun to see the surprises she brings me
 from all the countries she visits.
After doing some research, I discovered
 "The Legend of the Portuguese Good Luck Rooster"
If you are interested, Click HERE
to read the story. It's not long....
and rather enjoyable to read.
click on photo
 Sardines also play a big part in Portugal.
Grilled Sardines are a popular item in the local restaurants
 So it would be natural that my other gift is a hand painted sardine.
 Now I have my very own Portuguese Sardine.
My daughter was happy to share some of her photos for my blog post.
So beautiful.....
Jeronimos Monastery
It's doubtful you missed the color of
my Good Luck Rooster.... a vivid shade of orange.
He fits right in with my Autumn Decorating of golden leaves, acorns
 and of course, pumpkins.
Meggie Mac

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Faith, Hope and Charity.....for InSPIREd Sunday

How often do you see a new church under construction?
I would say, not often enough.
But, in truth, this is a re-build of an old structure....
an active African American Church since 1867.
If my sources are correct,
the building of the new structure
 was donated by a local successful builder.
This community I live in,
 continues to re-new my Faith and Hope
 for our future generations.
Meggie Mac
Click HERE
to view other churches, synagogues, and other religious buildings
 from around the world.

Friday, September 30, 2016

A Stone Fence From the Past.....for Friday Fences

My heart is drawn to stone fences and stone buildings,
 especially the older ones.
Because some landscaping remains,
 I'm speculating there was once a home on this property.
The eye can see an imprint left behind,
where a section has been removed.
Meggie Mac
Joining today with Theresa at Run a Round Ranch
Click HERE
to view other fences from around the world.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Familiar Scenes Beginning My Week.....for Monday's Country Backroads

Traveling the meandering country back roads......
I can't think of a more perfect way to start a new week.
Out of each day 
Squeeze all the joy within your reach...
Meggie Mac

Monday, July 4, 2016

July 4th on the Prairie.....

God Bless America,
Land that I love,
Stand beside her and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans white with foam,
God bless America,
My home, sweet home,
God bless America,
My home, sweet home.
Lyrics by Irving Berlin
click HERE
to hear
Kate Smith
introduce the song.
Click HERE
to read some of my
previous July 4th posts.
Meggie Mac

Friday, June 24, 2016

The Look of Country Cottage....for Friday Fences

The white picket fence is still a favorite,
 for American cottage/country homes.
It's hot today, with temperatures close to 91 degrees.
click on photo to view larger
A magnificent display of foliage and blooms.
Do you not agree?
Meggie Mac
Joining with Theresa at the Run Around Ranch
Click HERE
to view other fences from around the world.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Round Top, Texas....for InSPIREd Sunday

Work on the historic stone church, began in 1866,
with the first service held in January, 1867.
Through out all these years, there remains an active congregation. 
It is considered the oldest Lutheran church sanctuary in Texas.
Carl Sigegismund Bauer, A German Texan, designed the building.
 He also was the head mason.
On one side wall, the church sanctuary is supported by buttresses.
As is the case with most country churches, there is a cemetery on the property. 
I'll leave you today with a link to the gospel song,
 "The Old Country Church"
Meggie Mac
Click HERE to listen.
Click HERE 
to view other churches, synagogues, and other religious buildings
 from around the world.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Leaning Fence...for Friday Fences

The entire fence line seems to be leaning...
it does make me wonder what happened here.
Meggie Mac
"Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up"
Robert Frost
Thanks to Theresa at Run Around Ranch.
 Click HERE
to view other interesting fences from around the world.
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