
Friday, November 11, 2016

Remembering The Boys of Praha, Texas....for Veteran's Day

In a space of 1 year and 9 days, during World War II,
 Praha, Texas, a small community of 100,
lost most of its young men.
Nine young men, listed on this monument,
were never to return home to live out a full life.
With their deaths,
a generation of young men were lost. 
All but Pvt Eddie Sbrusch, who was lost at sea,
were brought back home,
 to rest here.....
Meggie Mac
A special note:
Every year there is a wonderful Veteran's Day Remembrance
held in Praha Texas.
It is very special,
including a fly-over of vintage aircraft
 with a flower drop over the cemetery.
one of my older posts.
Also joining with Theresa at Run Around Ranch
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to view fence photos from around the world.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Old versus New....for Friday Fences

A "must check-back" next year....
after a long hot summer
in Texas....
to see if the new fence
 grays to match the old cedar post.
Meggie Mac
Linking with Theresa at Run Around Ranch.
Click HERE
to view other fences from around the world.