The color is almost too beautiful for words.
When I first bought the bungalow,
my neighbor shared these irises from her garden.
It was some years ago that I purchased a book called "Passalong Plants"
by Steve Bender and Felder Rushing.
My friend's gift of irises, reminded me of the book.
The pass along term can also be applied to the yellow sedum.
Every place a pinch is dropped, it takes root.
And....if you look closely to the brick,
tiny Katie Ruellias have sprouted.
The Ruellia is the plant to the left of the sedum.
Mine bloom purple and pink during the summer months.
Since I love the look of a natural (unruly) garden,
I will leave some to grow in the walkways.
The others will be pulled and potted to be given as...
you guessed it...
Pass Along Flowers!
Another returning flower is the Rudbeckia (upright green foliage).
As it warms up, they will begin to bloom with flowers you may know
as Black-Eyed Susans.
While the temperature is still cool, the sweet alyssum will continue to bloom.
And now...turning to the vegetables.
It will be a race against the heat, to see if the broccoli has time to mature.
After so much rain this past week,
I'm sure the red oak leaf lettuce will soon be ready for the salad bowl.
Last for this post...
here is a little gadget I purchased to help.
I'm anxious to see how it works with tiny carrot seeds.
Have you ever tried a Seed Sower?
Meggie Mac