Monday, November 27, 2017

Returning Home Through a National Forest...for Monday's Country Backroads

Today's Country Backroads are from my Thanksgiving travels,
 back to the Prairie.
I decided to take some backroads
 through the Sam Houston National Forest.
It's a beautiful drive, with very few places to pull off the road
 and photograph.
There are four (4) national forests in the state of Texas.
This particular one, established in 1936,
 has 163,045 acres.
Evidence of human occupation, in these forest lands,
 has been found dating back 12,000 years.
In more recent times,
it was home to the Atakapa-speaking native Americans.
The Thanksgiving Holiday has now become a memory.
It's Monday, the beginning of a new week....
with December just around the bend.
Meggie Mac

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