Wednesday, May 8, 2019

What's in the Garden.... for Wednesday

How cool is this...
The ladybug,
 taking no notice of me,
was carefully grooming the leaves of the Dusty Miller.
I love gardening.
Not just the blooms
I actually like the digging in the soil.
 dreaming of what plants compliment each other.
As I started editing my photos,
 I realized I couldn't show everything in one post.
The Bungalow Garden is in the beginning of its' 3rd year.
Even though the house is about 85 years old,
there were no flowers, a sprinkling of sad shrubs,
and one red rose bush.
I've carried and laid all but the heaviest of stones.
So I'll begin today, by showing you a few flowers and plants.
I'll try to continue each week, posting some projects and what is blooming.
Pink Pentas will offer blooms most of the summer,
attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.
Can you believe these creamy white chrysanthemums are
blooming this time of year. They will repeat blooms in the fall, too.
Okay...are you ready for this name.
Echeveria gibbiflora  'Tahiti'
To me it's a beautiful succulent,
 with fleshy upcurving leaves and crinkly edges.
How about this beauty.
It was one of those "impulse purchases" near the check-out counter.
You know what I mean.
In searching today, I found it is called "Easter Cactus".
 And true to it's name, it was blooming at Easter.
Funny thing, I bought it a year ago at Christmas time,
 thinking it was a Christmas Cactus.
So I will leave you here....
where you are always
Meggie Mac
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