Monday, May 20, 2019

A Prairie Thistle...for Monday's Country Backroads

The Texas Thistle, Cirsium texanum, is not to be confused with the
beloved Scottish Thistle.
As you can see....
 the color is a real attention getter,
 especially when the sun is as bright as it is today.
You will find it along the roadways on the prairie,
 blooming from April to July.
As your new week begins today,
 to enjoy all that is around you.
Meggie Mac

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Along A Country Road....for InSPIREd Sunday

Countryside with rolling hills...
A perfect setting for the
Swiss Alp, Texas Lutheran Church.
A small part of it's history,
is recorded on the Texas Historical Marker
I've photographed and written about this church
 in a previous post.
Even though the grass is meticulously mowed,
I still think of this spot as the
 "Church in the Wildwood"
"How sweet on a clear, Sabbath morning,
To list to the clear ringing bell;
Its tones so sweetly are calling,
Oh, come to the church in the vale."
Enjoy your Sunday
Meggie Mac
Linking today with others
 from around the world.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Perfectly Imperfect....for Friday's Fences

I wouldn't change a thing about the rusty red gate...
Do you agree?
Perfectly Imperfect

Nothing fancy here.

This is home....
I'm content to be living on the prairie.

May you also find happy trails
 this weekend.
Meggie Mac

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Back in the Garden for Wednesday.....With Some New Plants

How could I not buy this plant ?
One of the common names is
Flowering Maple.
The Abutilon "Bella Select Mix",
 is in the mallow family.
The leaves remind me of a maple tree.
It is also heat tolerant...
A good thing,
 because our summers can be brutal.
 Coleus are often referred as "eye dazzlers"
Looks like something has found the foliage tasty.
It is no wonder, with all the rain we've had.
It takes nightly trips, with a flashlight,
 to hunt down the garden snails.

The variegated English Ivy,
 I planted last year,
 is now trailing over the retaining wall.
I hope you enjoyed the sampling of plants today.
It's a lovely spot to enjoy... with a cup of tea.
And today it was served with
 freshly baked lemon pound cake.
Remember, you are always welcome.
Meggie Mac

Monday, May 13, 2019

Yellow in Bloom.... for Monday's Country Backroads

Upright Prairie Coneflower
Ratibida columnifera (scientific name)
also commonly known as Mexican Hat.
They are truly a sight to see....
on the main highways,
country roads,
I'm spreading the word...
It's going to be a great week !
Meggie Mac

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Three Crosses on a Hill..... for InSPIREd Sunday

 Prairie Life
Meggie Mac
 with others
from around the world.
to view

Friday, May 10, 2019

Texas meets Scotland.... for Friday Fences

Just look at the size of this native cedar fence post.
Most likely it was cut from a nearby tree.
If you look closely you can see where side branches were cut off. 

It appears to have been a barbed wire fence...later covered with field fencing.

Pulling from my Scotland trip archives of photos,
 I found a similar fence, 
using barbed wire and field fencing.

It was taken on the beautiful grounds of Scone Palace, 
near Perth, Scotland.
Want to guess what is caught on the barbed wire strand,
 just above the field fencing ?

Yes, indeed....
some of that woolly red coat from a
Highland Cow.

The week end is almost here.
Enjoy !
Meggie Mac

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